Song of the Summer 2014 Contender: Boom Clap

This is a strange pick for me! I never thought I'd seriously be putting forth a Charli XCX track for my Song of the Summer contest. I've already mentioned my feelings about her collaborations on "I Love It" and "Fancy" (for those too lazy to click on the links, my thoughts on those songs can be summed up as "Ugggggggggggh"), so why am I so into her first hit as a solo artist?

Honestly, I'm not sure, though I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that she's actually, you know, SINGING on this track, and it isn't just a bunch of her usual monotonal yelling. Here ya go:

Catchy, right? I don't listen to a lot of commercial radio these days, but when I do, it's a safe bet that this song will come on within ten minutes. The bump it got from being part of the soundtrack for The Fault In Our Stars should probably be taken into consideration as far as its popularity, but that has nothing to do with why I like it. It's got a good beat to it, and I find myself singing along in my car every time it starts. Let's hope nobody's placed recording devices in there.

I doubt that Charli XCX will ever make the list of my favorite artists; even in a song as good as this, she sounds over-produced. Still, "Boom Clap" is a legitimate jam, and one that I'm always happy to encounter out in the wild. What more could a Song of the Summer contender need?

Song of the Summer Odds: 4:1


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